CEU 1223 - Remaining Attentive to the Nutritional Needs of Children
Contents of this course include: The role of proper nutrition in energy management, rest periods, attentiveness and growth in a child. Paying attention to culture and health of children in meal planning and preparation.
CEU 1224 - Effectively Assisting a Child During Rehabilitative Therapies
Contents of this course include: How your personnel can complement the work of rehabilitative therapists when working with children after an injury or who are managing an illness.
CEU 1225 - How to Make a Child Care Program Person Centered
Contents of this course include: From plans of care to daily routines how directors and staff can work to make a day care and early childhood education program focus on each individual enrolled.
Course 1231 - Recreational Safety When Caring for Children
This is a course designed for child day care, early childhood education and all school personnel on effective safety strategies during periods of child recreation.
CEU 1226 - Quality Support for Children During Parental Discord
Contents of this course include: How, without intrusion into a family’s intimate affairs, a center can help a child to maintain their focus, avoid feelings of victimization or blame while engaging in meaningful activity during periods of marital disc
CEU 1227 - Managing a Program for Children with Physical Disabilities
Contents of this course include: Questions to ask of physicians in evaluating how you can best be of assistance and resources you can use to keep staff informed on how best to assist a child with certain physical limitations.