CEU 1224 - Effectively Assisting a Child During Rehabilitative Therapies
Contents of this course include: How your personnel can complement the work of rehabilitative therapists when working with children after an injury or who are managing an illness.
CEU 1225 - How to Make a Child Care Program Person Centered
Contents of this course include: From plans of care to daily routines how directors and staff can work to make a day care and early childhood education program focus on each individual enrolled.
Course 1231 - Recreational Safety When Caring for Children
This is a course designed for child day care, early childhood education and all school personnel on effective safety strategies during periods of child recreation.
CEU 1228 - Culture and Diversity Awareness: Their Role in Quality Programming
Contents of this course include: How understanding and accepting the differences in others creates a richer you and why respecting differences in a child’s beliefs and limitations can help in creating a diversified, effective and gratifying program
Course 1229 - Fun Ways to Teach Math to Kids
This course is designed to stimulate the creative juices of adults who work with children. Ultimately we want to help children embrace math but first, we have to accept its significance in the lives of today's adult in a world bombarded by technology
Course 1230 - Human Trafficking: What Child Care Providers Need to Know
A look at human trafficking by the numbers and how child care providers can be trained to spot potential victims. This is a continuing education and staff development course for child day care and early childhood education program providers.